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Lie 1: “We never said we own all Fila stores” ANTA’s statement through analysts that it never claimed to own all Fila stores is an attempt to rewrite history, and it is a lie. This fact points again to our conclusion that the reported numbers for Fila cannot be relied upon. Our Part 3 report made it literally indisputable that a third party, Mr. Su Weiqing, owned the Beijing Fila stores. The company initially reacted by issuing a Clarification Announcement that stated it “vigorously denies” the allegations. The problem ANTA had with this denial is that even a 10-year old could see it was a lie. So ANTA attempted to re-write history by falsely stating through sock puppets that it never claimed to own all Fila stores.1Just weeks prior to publishing our report, we held a call with ANTA’s internal Investor Relations representative, Ms. Suki Wong. We asked her whether ANTA owns all Fila stores in China, and she repeatedly assured us that it does. Below is the transcript of the portions of the conversation that dealt with Fila store ownership. Q: [With respect to Fila] In 2014 you went from wholesale to retail, and then when you say you went from wholesale to retail, everything is self-owned and self-operated?


与科鲁迪尔一样对负利率政策持较正面看法的还包括候任欧央行行长拉加德(Christine Lagarde)。9月4日,拉加德参加了欧洲议会经济和货币事务委员会听证会。在其提交的报告中,拉加德对包括欧央行未来货币政策、负利率等76个提问进行了书面回答。



业内人士预计明年将有多家银行理财子公司获批筹建 需要大量专业人才银行理财子公司三百万年薪招人一周之前,商业银行理财子公司管理办法正式落地。截至今年11月末,已有工农中建、招行、中信、华夏等20家银行正式对外披露拟设立理财子公司。此外,还有多家上市银行负责人表达了设立理财子公司的意向。业内人士预计明年一季度,将陆续有银行理财子公司获批筹建的消息,最快将于明年四季度正式开业。
